This month’s featured trove artist

Adam Jarret

Adam Jarret is a Rhode Island based commercial video editor by day and freelance illustrator by night. He has a passion for creativity and strives to deliver that excitement through simple, bold designs. From ordinary objects, plants and company branding, Adam tries to capture the enjoyment in all things through his work.
wallet with crown illustration

Limited edition

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About Adam Jarret

Adam Jarret is a Rhode Island based commercial video editor by day and freelance illustrator by night. He has a passion for creativity and strives to deliver that excitement through simple, bold designs. From ordinary objects, plants and company branding, Adam tries to capture the enjoyment in all things through his work.

Find out more about Adam on his website:

Illustrated packaging for a bottle of Rum
Tropical illustrations on packaging for chocolate
Three images featuring a concrete jungle theme

This wallet is the latest in the artist limited edition series, check out who else we’ve featured in the past...

see all previously featured artists
TROVE Print Your Own


At Trove, we celebrate the incredible work of the artists that we collaborate with. This is why we want to give more designers and illustrators the opportunity to work with us and have their designs featured on our wallets.

Collaborate with us today to receive a percentage from every wallet sold. Fill out your details below for the opportunity to get involved.

  • Artists receive a percentage of each sale made
  • Increase their portfolio of work
  • Their work is exposed to more people